Tuesday, April 23, 2019

This Moment -- Good Friday

April 19, 2019
Ecumenical Service at United Presbyterian Church

From the manger to this moment
what a narrow, winding path we’ve tramped.
On a starry night
we peered with shepherds
into the face of a newborn,
the messiah newly born.
We added our voices
To the angelic chorus
that rocked the heavens
with its raucous rejoicing,
and returned home by another way
with star gazers from afar.
We waited to wade in the
waters of baptism,
dropped our nets
and abandoned our boats
when the sound of his voice
reached our ears
and captured our hearts.
Our mouths gaped at the miracles.
Our eyes widened at the healings.
We could not understand that so many
could be fed with so little bread.
We did not understand
or grasp who He was.
But when He spoke of his death,
of the cruelty, sorrow and agony
to come
our imaginations failed us.
We failed Him.
From the manger to this moment,
we have not understood
or believed
or accepted
the cross.
Just two wooden boards.
Just two wooden boards.
But nailed together
And held aloft
They are our heartbreak.
They are our salvation.
He is our salvation.
From the manger to this moment
we have come.
In three days
we may dance in the streets with joy.
In three days we may make the world
ring with our cries of celebration.
In three days he will rise once more.
But today, at this moment,
we face his death
and our complicity in it.
Today, at this moment,
He dies.
The world is dark.
The powers and principalities have won.
Yet only for
this moment.

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